
13. Festival – qualification results

We are pleased to inform you that the Qualifying Committee of the 13th International Puppet Theater Festival “Katowice for Chldren” from among the 54 submitted proposals, selected the following performances for the competition (given in alphabetical order of titles):

Kajtuś Czarodziej – Teatr Lalki i Aktora w Wałbrzychu

Lenka – Białostocki Teatr Lalek

Mały Max (Pequeña Max) – Arena en los bolsillos, La Zubia, Granada (Hiszpania)

Odd i Luna – Wrocławski Teatr Lalek

Odlot – Teatr Animacji w Poznaniu

Prosta historia – Lale.teatr, Wrocław

Przygody Batu-tá (Batu-tá kalandjai) – Mesebolt Bábszínház, Szombathely (Węgry)

Straszka pospolita – Grupa Coincidentia, Białystok

Zagubiony chłopiec – Opolski Teatr Lalki i Aktora im. Alojzego Smolki, Opole

Zoo Pinokia (Zoo di Pinocchio) – Drammatico Vegetale & Teatro delle Albe – Ravenna Teatro, Rawenna (Włochy)

Żyrafa (Giraffe) – Hop Signor Puppet Theatre, Ateny (Grecja)

The titles of performances presented outside of the competition and planned accompanying events will be announced later, after the festival program has been set.

At the same time, we would like to inform that due to insufficient funds, the duration of the Festival, which will take place on October 17-20, 2018, is shortened.


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