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Regulations of the 15 International Puppet Theatre Festival Katowice for Children

1. Organiser of the Festival:

Silesian Puppet and Actor Theatre Ateneum

ul. św. Jana 10, 40-012 Katowice,

tel./fax +48 32 2537-926, e-mail:

Director of the Ateneum Theatre is the director of the Festival.

2. The President of Katowice city has the honorary patronage of the Festival.

3. Dates

The 15th edition is planned from 1 to 4 October 2025.

The performances will be presented on the stages of the Ateneum Theatre (ul. św. Jana 10) and the Youth Palace (ul. Mikołowska 26), as well as in halls rented in Katowice.

4. Conditions of participation:

– professional puppet theatres participate in the Festival;

– only performances for children and young people will be presented in the competition;

– performances will be invited to participate, seeking answers to the question: what gives contemporary children and teenagers strength?, produced with means specific to puppet theater and using its innovative forms;

– the main idea of ​​this year’s edition will be a reflection on the psychophysical condition of children and young people and the role of art in inspiring and supporting the youngest. We expect performances based on both contemporary dramaturgy and reinterpretations of the classics.

5. Qualification:

– the selection of performances will be made by the Qualification Board (appointed by the Festival Director) on the basis of recordings of performances and other materials provided by the theatres;

– Applications will be accepted until 31 March 2025;

– interested teams are required to send a link to a full recording of the performance, an application form (completed separately for each proposed staging), information about the performance and theatre and a minimum of 6 printable photographs;

– Theatres will be informed of the qualification results by 30 May 2025.

6. Jury:

The festival takes the form of a competition. Performances will be judged by a Jury appointed by the Festival Director.

7 Prizes:

The Jury will award three Prizes of the President of Katowice City

– Grand Prix for the best performance of the Festival

and two equal prizes for acting:

– for the Best Actress

– for the Best Actor.

The Jury has the right, in agreement with the Festival Director, to divide prizes in a different manner and to introduce additional categories within the overall financial funds.

The winners will also receive statuettes designed by Zygmunt Brachmański.

Prizes awarded outside the regulations:

– Diploma of Honour of the Polish Puppetry Centre POLUNIMA

– Prize of the Silesian Branch of the Association of Polish Stage Artists (ZASP)

Additionally funded prizes may also be awarded outside the regulations.

The results will be announced and the prizes will be awarded on the last day of the Festival.

8. Theatres taking part in the Festival will receive diplomas of participation.

9. The organisers provide:

– bed and breakfast for the Festival guests and participants, in a number agreed with the invited theatres;

– a performance fee, the amount of which will be determined in consultation with the theatres after completion of the qualification;

– technical conditions for the presentation of the performance, electro-acoustic technicians on duty, stage management staff and organisational support;

– advertising material.

10. Theatres participating in the Festival automatically agree for:

– free use of photographs and fragments from recordings of the presented performances in advertising and press materials;

– free photographic and video recording for documentation purposes and promotional activities;

– free registration and TV broadcast of fragments of the performance up to 2 minutes.

11. Theatres participating in the Festival are obliged to:

– settle by themselves all amounts due by virtue of copyright, declaring at the same time that they hold such rights.



Application card 2025


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